Taylor Marie Band at Garrison Players


At Garrison Players Arts Center

Taylor Marie Band is a local country-pop band from Dover, New Hampshire. This is the third year Taylor and the band have performed on the Garrison Players stage with a compilation of original music. In addition to Taylor Marie Band, David Corson is a pop singer/songwriter from Dover, NH who will be the opening act of the evening.  Tix: $22 https://www.garrisonplayers.org/taylor-marie-july-13-2024

Saturday, July 13, 2024. Doors open at 6:30pm Show at 7pm.

For more information visit: www.taylormmusic.com     www.davidcorson.com/


Garrison Players Arts Center (GPAC) is a nonprofit, volunteer-based community theatre group dedicated to enriching the cultural life of the area by presenting high-quality theatrical performances geared for family audiences. Established in 1953, the players encourage people of all ages to enjoy and participate in the many facets of the performing arts, and to help maintain the Garrison Players Arts Center. For more information about auditions, shows, or GPAC, visit the website at www.garrisonplayers.org
